To establish a positive image for Bernardsville with a safe and walkable environment, honor our charm and history, create a sense of community, foster economic stability through local spending initiatives and events, and promote connectivity.
We follow the strategies of Main Street America's 4-Point Approach. This system works independently as four separate teams yet cohesively as one group to achieve results of economic development through historic preservation. Main Street Bernardsville is run by a Board of Directors and an Executive Director, with the support of volunteers on each of the 4-Point teams. Each team is highly active in achieving results for our vision.
The four-point Approach includes Teams in Promotions, Economic Vitality, Design, and Organization.
Marketing an image for a community is a crucial component in revitalization. Regular, consistent events, promotional programs and other initiatives that create a welcoming and positive environment for Bernardsville is this team's focus.
All businesses have a life stage. Whether you are considering opening a new business, in a growth stage, or considering retirement, EV team members organize tools, events, learning opportunities and collaborate with community partners including a Chamber of Commerce to effectively support the Bernardsville business community.
A community should be visually appealing. Creative placemaking, historical preservation, activating public spaces, regular maintenance of the walking districts and more visually appealing projects are on the agenda for this team, aiming for 2 to 3 completed projects per year.
Main Street programs are grassroots, volunteer led. As a 501(c) 3 non profit, we rely on donations, sponsorships, and grants to support the work of the other three teams as well as the organization overall. This team works on developing relationships with local community groups, gathering funding for projects and programs, and coordinating volunteers for all efforts.
We are a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit dedicated to our mission, and we always welcome your support! The community's input helps our projects, programs, and events keep going year after year. Tax ID 84-4983312
In addition to the four-point teams, there are many other opportunities to volunteer with us. Please look at volunteer opportunities by clicking the button below and completing our volunteer application form to connect with us.
Much of our volunteer work happens behind the scenes, but upcoming events are an excellent opportunity to connect with us.
Check out the calendar of events by clicking the button below.
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