This area will be updated with information, project statuses, and more regarding topics in the Commercial district. Links to meeting minutes and information will be posted here soon.

Contact Your Council Members! Keep the Community Spirit Alive

This is a call for the community to contact your Bernardsville council members. Main Street Bernardsville (formerly Downtown Bernardsville) has become the heartbeat of our community, bringing us together through cherished events like the Trunk or Treat and the Holiday Parade. However, recent challenges have overshadowed these beloved traditions, and we are at a crossroads. Rumors have circulated about the cancellation of these events, raising concerns among residents. We aim to shed light on the situation, share the passion behind the scenes, and make a heartfelt plea for the support we need to keep our community spirit alive.

The Unseen Efforts:

Behind every successful community event, a dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure its success. Additionally, teams of volunteers work to enhance our district (not through redevelopment), leading to a stronger economy. Our executive director, Olivia Manning, has been the driving force behind Main Street Bernardsville for the past two years in a full-time role. Her commitment is even more remarkable because she has been doing this work without compensation, purely out of love for our community. While her dedication is admirable, it’s essential to acknowledge that this model is not sustainable.

To maintain and grow this organization, we need the support of our Borough. We understand that the Borough faces challenges, but Main Street Bernardsville’s vibrancy is integral to our community’s overall health and prosperity. We urge the Borough to consider allocating resources to support Main Street Bernardsville’s long-term plan, ensuring the continuity of these events and the sustained growth of our beloved Main Street.

The Main Street program has clear and direct benefits for local government. This revitalization initiative catalyzes economic growth, driving increased property values, tax revenue, and community prosperity. As local businesses thrive and community engagement flourishes, the demand for municipal services rises, contributing to a healthier and more vibrant local economy. Additionally, the Main Street program often aligns with the goals of local government in enhancing the quality of life for residents, fostering a sense of community pride, and attracting new businesses and residents to the area.

The program’s success directly reflects positively on the local government, positioning it as a proactive and responsive entity dedicated to its constituents’ well-being and prosperity.

In this light, the leadership model chosen for Main Street Bernardsville should sustain the program’s positive impact and strengthen the collaborative relationship between the program and the local government to better the entire community. 

Whether it is an executive director or another role, the leadership of Main Street Bernardsville is the driving force that ensures the seamless execution of community events and the projects that create a vibrant downtown. Whether coordinating volunteers, securing sponsorships, or managing logistics, their role is indispensable. With paid leadership, we can guarantee the continued success of Main Street Bernardsville’s initiatives, freeing up passionate individuals like Olivia Manning to focus on what they do best—nurturing the community spirit. 

Main Street Bernardsville has been the canvas on which our community paints its memories and celebrates its unique identity. The murals on Mount Airy Road are a literal image of this. As we face losing some of our most cherished events, we implore the Borough and the community to come together in support. Let’s invest in the future of Main Street Bernardsville. With your support, we can ensure our community traditions endure and flourish for generations. 

Please contact your council members and let them know we need their support. Our work over the last two years designated and three years prior has most clearly made an impact on the community. Tell them you have seen this happen and want a fantastic town to live and do business in. On election day, make sure you are out there and voting. The individuals that will come into future councils need to be forward-thinking, and we hope that whomever they are, they too believe in Bernardsville’s sustainable, long-term growth. Together, let’s keep the spirit of Main Street Bernardsville alive and thriving. Speak up, be heard, and help us continue on.