This area will be updated with information, project statuses, and more regarding topics in the Commercial district. Links to meeting minutes and information will be posted here soon.

What is the Bernardsville Community Forum?

Why Your Voice Matters

Every thriving community has several moments when residents come together to shape its future. In 2019, we gathered ideas for the Mount Airy Road murals. In 2021, when we applied for the Main Street program, we organized several community meetings for input. The time has come again to gather and shape the next few years, and we’re inviting you to be a part of it. 

Our upcoming Community Strategy Planning Session isn’t just another gathering; it’s an opportunity to chart a course that reflects our collective vision and aspirations.

What’s this session all about, and why is it so crucial?

At its core, the session is about harnessing the power of community input to solidify a strategic plan for the next 3-5 years. Here’s why it matters:

1. Community-Led Development: Main Street’s processes engage volunteers and local voices of residents and business owners to participate in decision-making. Your insights, experiences, and ideas are the building blocks of creating the most optimal plan for the work of Main Street staff and volunteers.

2. Mini Main Street Training Sesh: The Main Street training component of the session serves as a guide and helps build awareness of the program and how it works for community growth and engagement. Understanding what makes our Main Street program tick gives a structured context for building our strategy effectively. 

3. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Your responses to the recent survey have provided invaluable data that will guide our discussions. By reviewing survey results together, we can clearly identify priorities, challenges, and opportunities. We will look at this and general demographic data to help tell a story supporting the ideas and projects we develop in the next item.

4. Collaborative Innovation: Through an interactive group session, we’ll tap into the collective wisdom of our community. By brainstorming and collaborating, we’ll generate innovative ideas and strategies that reflect our shared goals.

But beyond these items, this session has a more profound significance. It fosters a sense of ownership and pride among residents and business owners. It’s about empowering you to actively contribute to your hometown. It’s about realizing that each voice contributes to the symphony of community progress.

Your presence at this session and your ideas aren’t just welcome but essential. Together, we can steer our community toward a future that reflects our shared values, aspirations, and dreams.

So mark your calendars, spread the word, and join us as we embark on this collective visioning and action journey. 

See you February 27 at 6:00pm at the Bernardsville Library Community Room! Make sure to RSVP on Facebook to help us know how many will attend.